America Reimagined is a compilation of the latest trends from EthniFacts on the state of American culture and InterCulturalism in the US today.

Subscription-based study on multicultural and cross-cultural insights and trends

Subscription-based study on multicultural and cross-cultural insights and trends

Why the Minority-Majority is dead and Cultural Parity is on the rise

Why the Minority-Majority is dead and Cultural Parity is on the rise

Where and when Cultural Parity happens in the U.S.

Where and when Cultural Parity happens in the U.S.


Change Comes to America

PICAT: Personality and Intercultural Affinity Tracker

Diversity Population Growth

Change has come to America. U.S. population growth is being fueled almost exclusively by people of color, and companies and institutions seek to better understand the values, motivations and buying behaviors of increasingly empowered multicultural consumers. Diversity and democracy have become symbiotic and inextricably linked. Inclusion and innovation go hand in hand.

U.S. population growth is fueled almost exclusively by multiculturals.

From 2020 to 2025, the U.S. will grow by 11.6 million people and multiculturals will contribute to 98% of this growth.

Blending and Bunkering

As America’s multicultural population grows, neighbors, friends, and people who visit our homes are becoming more diverse.

Just as some people dive into open and fluid cultural exchange, others stay away or retreat from it due to ecology (no opportunity, often due to geography), attitudes (affinity or aversion to people who are culturally different) or other personal characteristics (Big 5 Personality Traits: Open or Closed, Introverted or Extraverted).

America Today

Opinions on America have become further divided in recent times. Older generations are the most likely to believe America is the best country in the world, while younger generations are losing faith…

Most can agree that freedom and the opportunity to experience the American Dream are the primary reasons one would choose to live in America.

The need to respect others despite their culture, ethnic background, and beliefs has become a core component for Americans to show love for the country, but many find this to be lacking.

How Companies Fit In

The stance a business takes on a political or social matter will determine which groups decide to buy or boycott their products and services.

Whether or not companies choose to voice their support and provide funding toward social issues is immensely important to younger generations.

Unifying Americans and protecting the environment are among some of the more neutral issues that appeal to all.

The Effects of the Economy

With inflation and the current state of the economy, many are making sacrifices in their spending in order to make ends meet.

Over half of Americans are being negatively impacted by the current economy. Many feel as though entertainment and dining out are not necessities.

Mental Health

The majority of Americans believe mental health to be very important.

Finances, physical health, personal relationships, major life events, and work are factors that commonly affect mental health.


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